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Welcome to the Sound Healer Course in Belgium

Discover the transformative world of sound with Nestor Kornblum

& Michele Averard, Europe's Sound Healing pioneers.

This course, presented for the 16th time in Belgium in the fall of 2025,
promises an enriching journey.

**Course given in English**

Nestor & Michele, with over 25 years of experience, are renowned Sound Therapists and co-founders of The Association of Sound Therapy in Spain. Nestor's expertise in overtone singing and Michele's acclaimed work on Freeing the Voice blend seamlessly in this holistic course.

**Unique Approach**

Their teaching melds energy work and sound healing practice, enriched by solid theory. With warmth and playfulness, they share their profound wisdom, making learning a joyful experience.

**Proven Success**

Presenting this course in Spain for 20 years, they introduced it to Belgium in 2010, garnering annual acclaim. It's a 4-module journey spanning 4 weekends in the fall of 2025. The gaps between modules offer time for practice, exchange, and integration of techniques.

**Accredited Diploma**

Upon completion, you'll earn an I.A.S.T. accredited Diploma. Whether you're a sound enthusiast, therapist, yogi, dancer, or simply eager to enhance well-being, this course empowers you with the transformative power of sound.

**No Prior Knowledge Required**

Step into this sonic adventure without any prerequisites. Join us in embracing the harmonious world of sound.

For more information on Nestor & Michele and their activities worldwide and at home, in 'the Dome Centre' in Spain: , visit: - Read more on Sound healing here

Nestor Kornblum Michele Averard


2025 Course Dates:

  • Weekend 1: Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 September from 9h30 till 18h30

  • Weekend 2: Friday 31 October, Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 November from 9h30 till 18h30 (3 days)

  • Weekend 3: Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 November from 9h30 till 18h30

  • December: module 4: Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 December from 9h30 till 18h30 (+ sound journey by Nestor & Michele on Saturday evenening)

Course Overview

module 1
  • The Science and Theory of Sound Therapy: how sound affects us on all levels of our being.

  • Cymatics and other Sciences, such as Masaru Emoto’s work and others.

  • The relationship of Sound and Energy to Matter and Form. Shamanism and the origins and History of Sound Healing.

  • The Healing Power of Sound and Energy. Practical techniques to take conscious control of the energy that flows through us, using the power of Intention

  • Creative Visualization and the Voice: develop your natural abilities to Feel and Sense the effects of sound on yourself and others.

  • Cleansing, harmonizing and balancing the chakras and subtle bodies with Vocal Sounds.

  • Free your Healing Voice: Practical vocal and Intoning techniques to discover your authentic voice and its healing potential..


(Michele developed a unique method for freeing your healing voice, which she has combined in her book 'Free your Voice, Heal your Life' (published in 2012).

Nestor Kornblum Cymatics
Nestor Kornblum Tuning Fork treatment
module 2
  • Overtone Chant, Overtone Singing:  singing two simultaneous sounds by amplifying the pure, sine wave harmonics within your voice.. This ancient and potent technique is used by Shamans in Mongolia and Central Asia to resonate with Nature and purify the Mind and Spirit. In the last 3 decades this has become a refined Sound Healing tool. We will learn the basic techniques and therapeutic applications. Everyone will be singing Overtones within the first day of this module!

  • Sound as a tool for raising personal and planetary frequency & sacred Geometry:
  • the relationship between Sound, Musical Intervals, Ratios and Form. The physical structure of Sound and its reflection in Nature. Harmonic re-patterning through Sound.

  • Tuning Forks and their application in Sound Health Therapy:

    • SonoPuncture- the application of Tuning Forks on reflex points of the meridians, feet, hands and spine,

    • Osteophony- the application of Tuning Forks on the articulations and other bony processes of the body,
    • Diaphony- the Bio-Energetic application of Tuning Forks on the Chakras and in the Subtle Energy Bodies (aura).

  • Intervals (the relationship between sounds) and their effect on the human system on mental, emotional and physical levels.
module 3
  • Singing Bowls, Himalayan and Quartz bowls: -the origins, theory and applications in self–healing and applied healing.

  • Includes practical sessions on healing the physical and subtle bodies.
  • Voice and Energy work: continuation and refining what was initiated in the first Module with Michele

  • Conducting a Sound Healing Session with Protocols, Creating a safe and protected healing space and more.

Michele Averard Healing Voice teaching
Michele Averard Tibetan bowl Overtone singing
module 4
  • Advanced energy management: protection and cleaning of spaces, rooms and energy fields, as well as the treatment area. How to give a complete Sound Healing session.

  • How to conduct a professional SOUND JOURNEY - Healing Session for groups, with a variety of Therapeutic and acoustic instruments. Instruction on the healing applications of each instrument.

  • Integrating other instruments:  We will also discuss and demonstrate in various modules during the Course the application and use of other instruments such as: Monochords and other string instruments / Gongs and hand-pans (Hang-drum type instruments) / Native American Flute, Overtone flute / Didgeridoo (and circular breathing) / Native Drums, Rattles, Ocean Drums and other instruments.

  • Harmonic Integration. Revising and integrating the entire course. Bringing all the Knowledge and Practice together into a harmonious whole.


  • Exams in the form of Practical evaluation and award of diplomas.

Course Fee

The total cost for the full course is €1,750.


Payments should be made via bank transfer to IBAN BE56 7330 5564 5088 / BIC KREDBEBB - Mieke Polfliet, referencing "SHC2025 + participant's name."



We acknowledge that not everyone can pay the fee all at once. For those in this situation, we offer the option of paying in installments as outlined below:

  • Initial payment upon registration: €700

  • 1 week before the 1st weekend of the course: €350

  • 1 week before the 2nd weekend of the course: €350

  • 1 week before the 3rd weekend of the course: €350

Alternative installment arrangements can be considered; please reach out to us with your proposal.

We kindly request that the entire course fee is settled prior to the 3rd course weekend to ensure a seamless course experience.
Please note that while the payment can be made in installments, the course cannot be attended in parts (it is a complete course commitment).

Cancellations & Refunds
- Cancellation up to 3 months before the start date = 100% refund
- Cancellation between 3 months and 1 month before the start date = 50% refund
- Cancellations within 1 month before the start date = no refund.

Course venue

Steiner school
Mallekotstraat 43
2500 Lier (Antwerpen)

Ample parking available right in front of the venue
Easily accessible on foot from Lier train station

The venue does not provide catering or accommodation, but you are welcome to bring your own lunch. Explore Visit Lier to discover not only delightful dining options but also possible lodging places at reasonable prices. Lier is a compact city (perfect for exploring on foot) with numerous cozy dining and lodging choices to suit every budget. You can also check out for potential lodging options. Before the start of the course, we will email you the contact details of your fellow participants, allowing you to coordinate accommodations and carpooling among yourselves.

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